Is It Still Wise To Invest In Mixed-Use Properties?

In the past years, "mixed-use" has been the real estate industry's buzzword.  But this changed during the retail breakdown that forced thousands of shops to close.  Despite this, experts say that investing in these properties are still profitable.  Here's why:

These properties cater to the residential and commercial markets

The recent trend of retail shops closing shouldn't be a worry for those who want to invest in mixed-use properties.  These buildings aren't just for shops but also for offices, incubator programs, and other services.  These days, those who are looking for a more accessible place where they can have their operations will find a suitable space in these buildings.

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It's a sustainable option for residents and business owners

Another reason mixed-use properties are still profitable is that most of these spaces encourage sustainable living.   Those who live and work in the same building end up using less energy and resources.  The buildings are also well-maintained to give the community it houses the best environment for their health and wellness.

It can prevent an area from being overcrowded

Mixed-use buildings are an excellent solution for cities that are in danger of being congested.  While it may be costly in the beginning, conducting business or taking up residence in these properties prevent crammed urban settings.  Transforming a commercial property into a mixed-use space allow people to work and live comfortably even in a city.

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Investors can choose to use their hard-earned finances toward building a place that serves different markets.  Mixed-use properties are about convenience and accessibility, and there will always be a demand for spaces that address these needs.

A seasoned commercial real estate developer, Al Hartman has had extensive management experience in both private and nonprofit sectors. Today, he serves the president and chairman of the board of directors of two public real estate companies. Visit this Twitter page for updates on the real estate industry.
